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Slovakia Prevents Islam From Becoming A State Religion

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 04 December 2016 07:58.

Visigrad Post, “Slovakia Prevents Islam From Becoming A State Religion”, 1 Dec 2016:


        That’s the way to do it: make Islam illegal.

Slovakia – On Wednesday 30 November the Slovak parliament passed a law proposed by members of the coalition of Prime Minister Robert Fico to prevent Islam from gaining official status in Slovakia.

The Slovak National Party (SNS) proposed that, in order for a religion to be formally recognized by the State, it should have at least 50,000 members -instead of the 20,000 members before that law- and so to have State grants and run its own schools.

For the time being according to the latest statistics Slovakia has 2,000 Muslims, 5,000 according to the Slovak Islamic Foundation. On the 5.4 million inhabitants in Slovakia, 62 per cent declare themselves Roman Catholics.

The president of the Slovak National Party Andrej Danko said on this subject that “Islamization begins with a kebab and this is what happens in Bratislava, we must be aware of what we could face in 5 or 10 years … We must do everything in our power to ensure that no mosques are built in the future.”

The law was approved by two-thirds of the Slovak parliament, including the ruling coalition headed by left-wing prime minister Robert Fico and opposition parties. The Nationalist Party The SNS then proposed that not 50,000 but 250,000 should compose an official religion, which was immediately rejected.

Former Waffen-SSman donates £400,000 to Scots town for kindness shown him there as prisoner of war

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 December 2016 20:58.

The former PoW vowed to leave everything to the tiny village in recognition for the overwhelming kindness he received

Sun, “Nazi World War II prisoner of war donates £400,000 to tiny Scottish village where he was held because he was treated with ‘kindness and generosity”, 2 Dec 2016:

Heinrich Steinmeyer was a member of Hitler’s infamous Waffen-SS and was just 19 when he was captured by the Allies a few weeks after D-Day

A former Nazi soldier has donated £400,000 to a tiny British village because of the “kindness and generosity” he was shown there after he was captured.

Heinrich Steinmeyer was a member of Hitler’s infamous Waffen-SS and was just 19 when he was captured in Normandy in August 1944, just weeks after D-Day.

The young German soldier was classified as a hardline Nazi when he was captured by the Allies in 1944

He was classed as a hardline Nazi and ended up in the prisoner of war camp at Cultybraggan near Comrie, Perthshire.

But the experience transformed him and Steinmeyer said he was only shown kindness by the villagers, which he had not expected.

The experience had such an impact on him that he returned to Comrie after the war and made lasting friendships in the village.

He vowed to leave everything he owned for the benefit of the elderly of the tiny Scottish community, population less than 2,000, in the Southern Highlands near Perth.

His will read: “I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Scotland for the kindness and generosity that I have experienced in Scotland during my imprisonment of war and hereafter.”


Demographc replacement, incubators in headscarfs, space w out a people/Germany: 40% migrant under 5

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 December 2016 05:01.

Incubators with headscarfs is what the Islamic incursion in Berlin has made of these women (Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

JungeFreiheit, “Demographic repression: Space without people.”

Breitbart, “Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ‘Migrant Background’, 21 Sept. 2016:

Following the release of figures which reveal almost four in ten children under five have foreign roots, Michael Paulwitz says the demographic change will be the death of Germany’s welfare state.

The journalist and historian predicts that “hard struggles” over resources will take place when ethnic Germans are a minority, and that native Germans “will inevitably lose out”.

Mr Paulwitz’ article follows the release on Friday of official figures from the Federal Statistics Office. While they show 21 per cent of the total population currently have a migrant background he notes that such people are disproportionately represented in the younger age cohorts.

One in three people aged under 18 who are resident in Germany have foreign roots, and the number jumps to 36 per cent among people under five.

This, he ominously points out, “allows one to appreciate where [Germany] is headed”. Mr Paulwitz points to the demographics of Berlin, where people with a migration background comprise 30 per cent of residents.

Mr Paulwitz also mentions that ethnic Germans are already minority in the district centre and many of the surrounding central districts.

With these trends in mind, he observes: “First in the cities, later throughout the country, ethnic Germans are to become a minority in their own city and in their own country.

“Will Germany still be, in the coming years and decades, the land of the Germans when immigration of people from non-European cultures continues at a high level?” Mr Paulwitz asks.

The historian writes that “one does not need much imagination to imagine how profoundly the population picture will change within the next two decades”.

He calls attention to the fact that in this timeframe many current pensioners will die and that the, mainly German lineage, cohort of 45 to 65 year olds — those “at the peak of their working lives” with regards to paying taxes — will have withdrawn from the workforce.

The demographic statistics for this year also show that people with foreign roots are twice as likely to be unemployed than Germans and are significantly more likely to have been educated to only a lower secondary school level, or have no education background at all.

Mr Paulwitz writes: “The social and redistributive state as we know it will no longer be affordable at its present level when the population is no longer dominated by ethnic Germans, and is a multicultural population mix.”

Collected in mid 2015, the Federal Statistics Office data fails to reflect the more than 1.6 million migrants who arrived in 2015 and the first half of 2016, or the huge number of estimated illegal immigrants living in Germany.

Mr Paulwitz points out that while Angela Merkel’s open door policy was a “dramatic escalation” of previous policies, even before she “opened the lock” a quarter of people aged between 15 and 45 had foreign roots in 2014.

He contends that these demographic trends can only increase as, “through family reunification, this number [1.6 million] is expected to at least double if not multiply”.

Furthermore he observes there is an “inexhaustible supply” of Arabs and Africans who want to move to Germany. The historian typifies them as “second, third and fourth sons” of families, who are “demanding” but “lack the education or drive to create their own wealth”.

Taking all of this into account, Mr Paulwitz diagnoses a grim future for Germany and its native population. He forecasts “hard struggles over resources will be the result” and contends that ethnic Germans are “pacified” and “ageing”.

Considering the huge number of people with foreign roots already present, their far higher fertility rate and no sign of an end to the country’s policy of importing hundreds of thousands of migrants a year, Mr Paulwitz says indigenous Germans “will inevitably lose out”. He also foresees that “the sexual assaults, a result of the surplus men imported, will increase”.

Mr Paulwitz concludes: “A government that decides to change the ethnic and cultural structure of the country without asking its people violates the principle of popular sovereignty, constitutional lawyer Dietrich Murswiek has said … It’s surprising that citizens have begun to fight it at the ballot, but more surprising is that so few are doing so.”



Somali attack inspired by neoliberal rhetoric that Muslim incursion, compradors had right to remain

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 15:00.

The Somali shooter at Ohio State had apparently been inspired by neo-liberal propaganda presuming that Muslim incursions and compradors which had been promoted and backed in Burma by right-wing Western sources supposedly had some right to remain there.

Washington Post, “I can’t take it anymore’: Ohio State attacker said abuses of Burma’s Muslims led to ‘boiling point”, 29 Nov 2016:

Participants in a vigil at Jacob’s Porch pray after the attack of Ohio State University, who rammed his car into a crowd of pedestrians and attacked them with a butcher knife.

The Ohio State University student who carried out a knife attack on campus Monday wrote in a Facebook post shortly before the rampage that the abuse of a little-known Muslim community in Burma had driven him to the “boiling point,” writing, “I can’t take it anymore,” CNN reported.

“Seeing my fellow Muslims being tortured, raped and killed in Burma has led to a boiling point,” Abdul Razak Ali Artan allegedly wrote on his Facebook page shortly before Monday’s rampage, where he injured 11 people with a butcher knife before police killed him.


“America! Stop interfering with other countries,” he wrote.

Artan’s Facebook post throws a little-known and long-persecuted Muslim community in western Burma, also known as Myanmar, into the spotlight.

More than 1 million Rohingya Muslims live in Burma, but they have long been denied citizenship and other basic rights, and many from Burma’s Buddhist majority consider them illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Aung San Suu Kyi — the Nobel laureate leading Burma’s new civilian government — has been criticized for refusing to use the term “Rohingya,” which she says is inflammatory.

In recent weeks, thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing into the forests and neighboring Bangladesh on the heels of a brutal military crackdown that followed a terrorist attack on police posts Oct. 9, allegedly carried out by Rohingya militants.

Human Rights Watch has alleged that the military has perpetrated a scorched-earth campaign, providing before-and-after satellite images that showed three villages completely burned. The death toll estimates vary, but several dozen have been killed since October, activists say.

Earlier this week, a U.N. refugee agency official, John McKissick, was in the Bangladesh region of Cox’s Bazar — where more than 30,000 people, many of them Rohingya, have fled to — and told the BBC that Burmese troops were “killing men, shooting them, slaughtering children, raping women, burning and looting houses, forcing these people to cross the river” into Bangladesh. He said that the “ultimate goal” of Burma’s government is “ethnic cleansing of the Muslim minority.”

        Kosher/ Neo-liberal media jerking the tears and prayers from fellow Abrahamics

Matt Harrigan gets a slap on the wrist…Matt Hale gets 40 years.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 November 2016 19:09.

Creativity Movement Toronto, “Matt Harrigan gets a slap on the wrist…Matt Hale gets 40 years!”  24 Nov 2016:

Shortly after Donald Trump was elected to be the next President of the United States, Matt Harrigan the CEO of a Cybersecurity firm, threatened to kill him! Harrigan posted his threats on his facebook page or some F/B group page. Some of his threats…

” I’m going to kill the president. Elect.” . ” Bring it Secret Service”.. ” Nope, getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you motherfucker I’ll find you.”

Screen shot of threats

Harrigan has since apologised. “My humble apologies that a flawed joke has become public/out of context.” Harrigan also resigned as the CEO of the company he worked for. He claimed to be surprised that his posts had become viral public consumption as they were only intended for his circle of friends, he was the CEO of a cybersecurity firm yet was surprised when his threats became viral?, he also played the drunk card. Harrigan was interviewed by the Secret Service and said he does not anticipate any charges.

BREITBART…...CEO Who threatened to kill Trump now blames Drunkenness

Rev Matt Hale was convicted of soliciting an FBI informant (Tony Evola) to kill Federal Judge Joan Lefkow and was subsequently sentenced to 40 years in prison. Rev Hale was set up by the government. I will not go into the details of his abduction by the government here as most of our readers are quite aware them. For those unaware of the details…

Poor Matt Hale was set up by an FBI informant posing as his security guard. From what I understand, the informant asked Matt “if he wanted to do something about the judge handling his case” (of a patent violation - a Jewish man had copyrighted the logo of Matt’s church in order to file suit against him for copyright violation); Matt responded “yes, but don’t do anything illegal.” The Feds apparently wanted so badly to get Matt Hale incarcerated that that was “enough evidence” to sentence him for 40 years. Tragic.  - DanielS


        FREE MATT HALE!  

I will play devils advocate and say the “evidence” used to convict Rev Matt Hale was valid, all the prosecutor had was hearsay from a government informant that Hale wanted a judge killed. There was no written pronouncement of his supposed intentions. Even if he was guilty of what he was accused of the sentence was extreme. I’m sure a president elect Trumps a Judge? Harrigan posted clearly for all to see that he himself was going to kill the President elect! All he had to do was resign from his job and apologise for his inappropriate conduct. If Rev Hale were to apologise for his supposed misdeed and claim that it evolved from a drunken state, would he be afforded the same leniency given to Harrigan? The answer of course is no, the government entrapped Hale to get him to shut up, he was awakening far too many people, he needed to be silenced for the Zionist narrative(s) to remain intact. The Harrigan incident just further solidifies the fact that the unjust and harsh punishment that Rev Hale received was undeserved and contrived.

I do not want Matt Harrigan to be held to the same standard as Matt Hale, I want Matt Hale to be held to the same standard as Matt Harrigan.

For Natures Finest
Brother Smith

Hamilton’s black Rule

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 November 2016 17:14.

Brandon Victor Dixon: At the end of the show on Friday, he told Mr. Pence, “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf all of us.”

        Hamilton’s black Rule (image and issue courtesy John Derbyshire).

Having emerged through that casting call, “Hamilton” cast member Brandon Victor Dixon (a black playing White Vice President Hamilton) lectured Vice President-elect Pence on diversity and racism -

NYT, “Brandon Victor Dixon: At the end of the show on Friday, he told Mr. Pence, “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf all of us.” 19 Nov 2016:

As the play ended, the actor who played Vice President Aaron Burr, Brandon Victor Dixon, acknowledged that Mr. Pence was in the audience, thanked him for attending and added, “We hope you will hear us out.”

“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” he said. “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”

Another German City Tipping Majority Muslim

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 November 2016 15:37.

TNO, “Another German City Tipping Majority Muslim”, 26 Nov 2016:

The western German city of Bad Godesburg—located on the Rhine River—is now so overrun with Muslims that local schools are trying to implement “anti-radicalization” policies to stop their students from supporting ISIS-aligned ideologies.

The efforts are, of course, hopeless, as proven by their total failure elsewhere in Europe, but race-denying liberals refuse to face this reality.

A typcial street scene in Bad Godesburg.

According to a new report in the Deutsche Welle (DW) news service, the program has been driven by the “social make-up of communities across Europe changing,” and now “schools have become breeding grounds for extremism.”

As a result, a program organized and financed by Germany’s Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB), known as the “Clearing Procedure and Case Management” procedure is currently being trialed at six schools across Germany.

One of the schools, the 1.200-pupil Elisabeth-Selbert-Gesamtschule, located in the Bad Godesburg district which is in the immediate Bonn area, has, according to its liberal principal Andrea Frings, undergone a

“a fair amount of social change in recent years . . . About 40 [to] 50 percent of our students are Muslim. We all get along very well here, but it also happens that students sometimes bring problems to the school from their homes or their mosques, and that’s always something we need to take a look at.”

As the DW article pointed out, the Elisabeth-Selbert-Gesamtschule is located

“at the heart of what used to be the diplomats’ district of Germany’s erstwhile capital, [but] the face of Bonn’s Bad Godesberg has long changed. On the one hand, it continues to be an international neighborhood attracting expats from around the world; on the other, both foreigners and locals with extremist ideas have been flocking to the district.”



An earlier article in the DW, titled “There’s not much that’s German here anymore,” quoted one of the few actual Germans left in the town as pointing out the extent of the ethnic cleansing underway:

“She mentions the recent closing of [the] Aennchen, one of the last typically German restaurants left in Bad Godesberg. ‘Now you’ve got shisha bars springing up everywhere, with that sweet smell in the air,’ she says. ‘There’s not much that’s German here anymore, or even Italian. And you see Arabic script everywhere.’”


Visegrád [Intermarium] Countries To Launch Radio Station Early 2017

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 November 2016 09:14.

Visigrad Post, “Visegrád Countries To Launch Radio Station Early 2017”, 17 Nov 2016:


Visegrád countries – The four Visegrád Group countries are planning to launch a radio station at the start of next year, the head of Radio Poland told Hungarian public television M1 on Tuesday.

Barbara Stanislawczyk said the programmes to be broadcast in Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian would be aimed at presenting the cultures of the member countries and focusing on topical political issues. She said that the region’s importance was gaining weight in Europe and highlighted the importance of the media in that tendency. The new station would also promote cooperation between radio people in the four countries, Stanislawczyk added.

Source : Daily News Hungary

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:56. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 07:46. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 07:41. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 21:20. (View)

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